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  • Minahil Junaid

The Monster Behind the Wooden Shelf

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

By: Minahil Junaid

She used to believe

In the lies of fairy wings

And whimsical things

Things that lit up the sky

Just like on 4th of july

She used to believe

In the monsters under her bed

And every word she had read

About the hero and the villain

Until the day she saw for herself,

The monster behind the wooden shelf

That it had such glamorous blue eyes,

That she was fed nothing but lies

If only her dreams came true

Then she wouldn’t have to go through

The nightmare her life had become

And could’ve gone back to where she came from

Introducing the Prodigy Penwielder: Minahil Junaid

Meet the literary wunderkind, Minahil Junaid! At the tender age of 12, she's not just navigating the wild world of eighth grade; she's also conquering the realm of words with her exceptional talent. Minahil has been wielding her pen since her pint-sized years, and we're convinced she's destined for writerly greatness. Get ready to be enchanted by Minahil's prose and captivated by her poetic prowess. It's just the beginning of an epic literary journey

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