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  • Aisha Qamar

The Day I Was Her

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

By Aisha Qamar

When i open my eyes I see the one i want to be

Brown and Bewitching.

Transition was far like the cerulean sky; It was deep and drying like,

The bottle-green waters of the Ravi.

It was slow, Yet i knew I’d become her.

She had a chiffon kameez

The color of jamun

She stored lace and damask In tiny biscuit boxes

That clinked and clattered

Although rusted to the core

Made the perfect place

After herculean efforts when you opened them,

You could see white laces coiled in peace,

Protected and placed.

For me.. When I open my eyes,

I see the one I want to be.

Her eyes caressing me into warmth,

Warranting necessity unraveling me into a liones

teaching me,

sermoning me about Duplicity,


and betrayal

in this tiny world

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