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Want to submit?


Our aim is to empower artists by sharing their stories so we are mainly looking for meaningful pieces that convey beautiful messages that can speak to the hearts of all. Our guidelines aren’t strict in any way, shape or form but we still expect you to follow them exactly.


  • The work can be in any language as long as a suitable translation is submitted as well.

  • One piece per person is allowed per issue.

  • Send all pieces as a Google Document/Word Document because this makes it easier to add comments and give feedback. If you are sending a Google Doc, make sure to give us commenting access

  • All pieces should be written in Times New Roman/EB Garamond and font size should be 11 or 12

  • An appropriate title should be given to all work submitted.

  • Add the relevant trigger/content warnings

  • Any explicit or sexual content will immediately be rejected.

  • Plagiarism, offensive slurs and hate speech are strictly not allowed. If we find any submissions with the same, we will delete it and bar the author from sending to us in the future. ​

What we accept;

  • Poetry

  • Prose

  • Creative Nonfiction

  • Fiction (short stories)

  • Art 

  • Photography

Poetry guidelines;

  • No more than 30 lines and 2 pages.

  • Appropriate formatting is required.

Prose guidelines;

  • Any forms of prose are accepted with a maximum limit of 1500 words.

Art guidelines;

  • We accept both digital and traditional art, however if it is traditional, we expect a good quality picture with no disturbances.

  • We allow a maximum of 3 pieces per submission. [For issue viii, we are only accepting one piece per artist.]

  • We ask that you merge all 3 of them into a single file and submit it. ​

Creative Non-Fiction:​

  • Creative non-fiction includes essays on current world issues, book reviews, personal anecdotes, etc.

  • We allow a maximum of 1 piece per submission, with a maximum word count of 1000 words.

Fiction (Short stories);

  • Must be no longer than 2500 words.


Ensure that your piece follows all our guidelines. Press the button below to gain access to the submission form and become a published writer!

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