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  • Fatima Zahra

A day in the life of a Palestinian child

Updated: May 22

By: Fatima Zahra

A child wakes up to the noise of bombing nearby, confused as his mother isn’t next to him. Bear foot he walks around bewildered and worried looking for his mother when suddenly he felt something under his feet and looked down where he saw his mother. His voice went silent for a while and he couldn’t speak and then slowly he sat down next to his mother’s burning corpse and cried tears of sorrow yet not a single word came out as the shock was too arduous. For the people of Gaza it’s just a matter of “when” will they be the one to croak a miserable death. For children, education is a necessity, children in Palestine have been deprived towards education and have to face many struggles. Despite these challenges, many Palestinian children are determined to pursue education as a means of hope for their country’s future. Moreover these 4-11 year old children and their families face shortage of basic necessities such as food and water due to international deprivation as a tactic of war or should I say genocide. Constantly feeling inferior towards everyone around them and preparing themselves to lose the people they love at any time and anywhere. Living with ongoing trauma, anxiety and depression as a result of witnessing and experiencing the horrific and heartless acts of violence and persecution by the Israeli people. These children are being internally displaced within their own country, while others may attempt to flee across borders in search of safety. Regardless of these unimaginable challenges, many Palestinian children demonstrate remarkable resilience and courage in their daily struggle to survive and protect their families. For many of these children living in the midst of genocide, their dreams of a peaceful and prosperous future are now overshadowed by harsh reality and the occurring conflict. The present Israeli-Palestinian conflict has robbed many Palestinian children of their childhood forcing them to grow up quickly and shoulder responsibilities beyond their years such as coping with the loss and trauma of losing their loved ones any time soon. The only thing left for these innocent people is the hope for peace even if it is nearly impossible during this moment.

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